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Oncology - FISH Panels (Solid Tumors)

Test Code Test Name Sample Type Container Type Transport Conditions Testing Method TAT
CYT-23 Cep17/Her2Neu Gene Amplification FISH Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient FISH 5-7 DAYS
CYT-24 ALK-1/EML 4 REARRANGEMENT FISH Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient FISH 5-7 DAYS
CYT-25 ROS-1 Gene Rearrangement FISH Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient FISH 5-7 DAYS
CYT-41 IgG MYC TRANSLOCATION BY FISH Tumor Tissue/Bone Marrow/Peripheral Blood FFPE Tissue Block Ambient FISH 5-7 DAYS

Haematological Malignancies

Test Code Test Name Sample Type Container Type Transport Conditions Testing Method TAT
CYT-27 IgH/BCL-2 t(14:18) FISH Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-28 FISH-CBFB or MLL (11q23del) Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-29 8,14 TRANSLOCATIONS FOR BURKIT LYMPHOMA Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-30 AML PANEL BY FISH [AML/ETO, inv(16), PML/RARA, MLL] Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-31 CLL Panel BY FISH [del(11q), trisomy 12, del(13q), del(17p)] Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-32 ALL PANEL BY FISH [BCR/ABL, TEL/AML1, MLL, E2A] Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-33 FIP1L1/PDGFRA GENE REARRANGEMENT FISH Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-34 BCL6 GENE REARRANGEMENT BY FISH Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-35 IgH/BCL2 t(14:18) FISH Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-36 MDS PANEL FISH [del(5q), del(7q), del(20q)] Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-37 MPN PANEL FISH Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-38 MULTIPLE MYELOMA PANEL FISH [del(11q), del(13q), IgH, del(17p)] Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-39 FGFR-beta FISH Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-40 CCND1/IgH GENE REARRANGEMENT BY FISH for Mantle cell lymphoma Bone Marrow / Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-41 IgG MYC TRANSLOCATION BY FISH Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-42 Stress Cytognetics: Fanconi's Anemia Peripheral Blood Sodium Heparin Vacuutainer (2ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Karyotyping by GTG Banding 7-10 DAYS

Oncology - Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Panels

Test Code Test Name Sample Type Container Type Transport Conditions Testing Method TAT
HISTO-01 HISTOPATHOLOGY REPORT (SMALL TISSUE) Tumor Tissue NORMAL SALINE Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 3-5 DAYS
IHC-06 ER PR Her-2/neu IHC Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient IHC 3-5 DAYS
IHC-07 ER/PR IHC Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient IHC 3-5 DAYS
IHC-08 Her2neu IHC Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient IHC 3-5 DAYS
IHC-02 ALK IHC Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient IHC 3-5 DAYS
IHC-03 c-KIT gene IHCC Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient IHC 3-5 DAYS
IHC-04 EGFR – IHC Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient IHC 3-5 DAYS
IHC-05 IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY REPORT (CUSTOM SINGLE MARKER) Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 3-5 DAYS
IHC-01 ADENOCARCINOMA (IHC) PANEL Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 7-10 DAYS
IHC-09 Hodgkin Lymphoma IHC Panel Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 7-10 DAYS
IHC-10 IHC Breast Panel (ER, PR, HER2NEU, KI-67, p53) Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 3-5 DAYS
IHC-11 IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY REPORT (CUSTOM UPTO FOUR MARKER) Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 3-5 DAYS
IHC-12 KRAS Gene IHC Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 3-5 DAYS
IHC-15 Lung Cancer Panel (IHC Panel) Tumor Tissue NORMAL SALINE Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 7-10 DAYS
IHC-16 Melanoma IHC Panel Tumor Tissue NORMAL SALINE Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 7-10 DAYS
IHC-17 Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma IHC Panel Tumor Tissue NORMAL SALINE Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 7-10 DAYS
IHC-18 MSI (Microsatellite Instability) IHC Tumor Tissue NORMAL SALINE Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 3-5 DAYS
IHC-19 NEURO ENDOCRINE IHC PANEL Tumor Tissue NORMAL SALINE Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 7-10 DAYS
IHC-20 S-100 IHC Tumor Tissue NORMAL SALINE Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 3-5 DAYS
IHC-22 PD-1, PDL-1 & P53 COMBO Tumor Tissue NORMAL SALINE Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 3-5 DAYS
IHC-21 PDL1 IHC Tumor Tissue NORMAL SALINE Ambient Tissue Histopathology, H&E Staining 3-5 DAYS

Oncology - PCR & Sequencing Base Panels

Test Code Test Name Sample Type Container Type Transport Conditions Testing Method TAT
MOL-01 EGFR (Exon 18 c.2155G>T/p.G719C, Exon19 deletion, Exon 21 c.2573T>G/p.L858R) Mutation Analysis Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient Sanger Sequencing 7-10 DAYS
MOL-02 KRAS (Codon 12, 13) MUTATION ANALYSIS Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient Sanger Sequencing 7-10 DAYS
MOL-03 NRAS (Codon 12, 13, 61) MUTATION ANALYSIS Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient Sanger Sequencing 7-10 DAYS
MOL-04 Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) Screening Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient Realtime PCRt 5-7 DAYS
MOL-05 PDGFR-a & c-Kit in GIST Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Sanger Sequencing 10-12 DAYS
MOL-06 FLT-3 GENE (ITD & TKD) MUTATION ANALYSIS Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 10-12 DAYS
MOL-08 NPM-1 GENE MUTATION ANALYSIS Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 10-12 DAYS
MOL-09 CEBPA GENE MUTATION ANALYSIS Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 10-12 DAYS
MOL-10 JAK2 (V617F) MUTATION ANALYSIS Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 10-12 DAYS
MOL-11 NOTCH-3 GENE MUTATION ANALYSIS GENE EXPRESSION Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 7-10 DAYS
MOL-12a PDGFRa (eXON 12,14,18) MUTATION SCREENING by Sanger Sequencing Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient NGS 14 DAYS
MOL-12b c-KIT Gene Analysis (Exons 9,11,13 & 17) Whole Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Sanger Sequencing 10-12 DAYS
MOL-13 BCR-ABL Gene Analysis BY RT-PCR (QUANTITATIVE) Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 3-5 DAYS
ui BCR-ABL Gene Analysis BY RT-PCR (QUALITATIVE) Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 3-5 DAYS
MOL-15 BCR-ABL1 KINASE DOMAIN MUTATION ANALYSIS Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 10-12 DAYS
MOL-16 PML-RARA Quantitative (BCR1, BCR2 & BCR3) Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 10-12 DAYS
MOL-17 BRAF V600E MUTATION ANALYSIS Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Sanger Sequencing 10-12 DAYS
MOL-18 JAK2 EXON 12 MUTATION DETECTION Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 10-12 DAYS
MOL-19 CALR MUTATION DETECTION Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 10-12 DAYS
MOL-20 MPL EXON 10 MUTATION DETECTION Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 10-12 DAYS
MOL-21 MYD-88 MUTATION SCREENING Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 10-12 DAYS
MOL-22 IgH & Tcell RECEPTOR GENE REARRANGEMENT Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 10-12 DAYS
MOL-23 CKIT D816V MUTATION ANALYSIS Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 10-12 DAYS
MOL-24 CSF3R/ASXL1 MUTATION ANALYSIS FOR Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 10-12 DAYS
MOL-25a BRCA 1 (Exon 2, 185delAG and Exon 20, 5382insC) and BRCA2 (Exon 11, 6174delT) Mutation status BY RT-PCR Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Realtime PCR 10-12 DAYS
MOL-25b BRCA 1 and BRCA2 Mutation status BY Sequencing Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Sanger Sequencing 10-12 DAYS
MOL-26 ERCC1 Gene Analysis Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient Sanger Sequencing 10-12 DAYS
MOL-27 PTEN Gene Analyis Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Ambient Sanger Sequencing 10-12 DAYS
MOL-28 HNPCC Gene Panel Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient NGS 2 WEEKS
MOL-29 HBOC PANEL (INHERITANCE) BY NGS Tumor Tissue, Peripheral Blood FFPE Tissue Block, EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient NGS 3-4 WEEKS
MOL-59 TPMT GENOTYPING Tumor Tissue, Peripheral Blood FFPE Tissue Block, EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Sanger Sequencing 10-12 DAYS
MOL-60 5-FLUOROURACIL THERAPEUTIC RESPONSE PREDICTIVE ASSAY (DPYD GENE ANALYSIS) Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Sanger Sequencing 5-7 DAYS
MOL-61 PIK3CA (EXON 9, 20) MUTATION SCREENING Tumor Tissue, Peripheral Blood FFPE Tissue Block, EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Sanger Sequencing 10-12 DAYS
MOL-62 IDH1 (R132) & IDH2 (R140, R172) MUTATION ANALYSIS Tumor Tissue, Peripheral Blood FFPE Tissue Block, EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Sanger Sequencing 10-12 DAYS
MOL-63 UGT1A1 GENOTYPING (GILBERT SYNDROME) Peripheral Blood EDTA Vacutainer (3ml) Cold Pack / Ambient Sanger Sequencing 7-10 DAYS
MOL-64 RET MUTATION (EXON 16) ANALYSIS Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Cold Pack / Ambient Sanger Sequencing 10-12 DAYS
MOL-65 MGMT GENE METHYLATION DETECTION ASSAY Tumor Tissue FFPE Tissue Block Cold Pack / Ambient Sanger Sequencing 10-15 DAYS
PANEL-ONCO A Comprehensive Cancer gene panel by NGS FFPE Tissue Block FFPE Ambient NGS 21 days
PANEL-ONCO D HRR panel FFPE Tissue Block FFPE Ambient NGS 21 days

Oncology - KARYOTYPE

Test Code Test Name Sample Type Container Type Transport Conditions Testing Method TAT
CYT-06b ALL - CYTOGENETIC STUDY Bone Marrow Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack Karyotyping by GTG Banding and / FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-07b AML - CYTOGENETIC STUDY Bone Marrow Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack Karyotyping by GTG Banding and / FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-08b MLL - CYTOGENETIC STUDY Bone Marrow Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack Karyotyping by GTG Banding and / FISH 7-10 DAYS
CYT-09b CML - CYTOGENETIC STUDY Bone Marrow Sodium Heparin Vacutainer (2ml) Cold Pack Karyotyping by GTG Banding and / FISH 7-10 DAYS

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Phone : +91 732 592 7627

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inDNA Centre for Research and Innovation in Molecular Diagnostics

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Phone : +91 732 592 7627